The other day, a gentleman stopped by my house with an unusual offer: a birdhouse.
He explained that he had been homeless but was about to move into his own apartment. Since he no longer needed to hang the birdhouse outside where he had lived and slept, he wanted someone else to enjoy it.
We were honored to accept his birdhouse, and it now hangs proudly on our front porch. This act of kindness reminds us that, even when someone has very little, they can still give so much.
Transitioning from homelessness to stable housing like this gentleman, is a significant achievement. Individuals often encounter several challenges during this period.
Our Community Health Workers (CHW’s) and Case Managers continue to be there for individuals that transition from our I-HELP shelter to their own home. First, through the generosity of our donors, we provide them the basic necessities they need for a fresh start-kitchenware, bedding, towels, cleaning supplies, and hygiene items. We also make sure they have access to other services they may need such as healthcare, mental health counseling and substance abuse treatment. Our CHW staff help them navigate these complex systems.
This comprehensive approach leads to greater success of individuals remaining housed and living their best lives.
As I look at the birdhouse, I often think about the man who gave it to us. I wonder, did that little birdhouse remind him of the home he hoped to have one day?
Little did he know, he gave us more than just a birdhouse-he reminded us that every person has something to give.