September is Hunger Action Month, and we're using this time to talk about hunger in our community and how we can work together to help people get the food they need.
In Arizona, 1 in 8 people struggle with food insecurity. This means they don't always have enough nutritious food to stay healthy and strong. Children, seniors, low-income workers, and people without homes are the most likely to go hungry.
Many families must choose between buying food and paying for other important things. Hunger can make it hard for kids to learn and grow. In fact, about two kids in every elementary classroom don't get enough food, making it a big issue in our state.
Since July, our food pantry has seen a 150% increase in demand. Summer utility bills and the start of the school year have put a strain on household finances. Our pantry shelves are bare, and we need your help! Click here for food needs.
Hunger Affects Community Health
Hunger is not just about missing meals; it can harm the health of our whole community. When people don't get enough to eat, they are more likely to get sick with diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and obesity. For children, hunger can cause delays in growth and make them more likely to get sick. Worrying about where the next meal will come from can also make people depressed and stressed. These are just some ways hunger affects health.
Sources: National Institute Health American Diabetes Association UNICEF Arizona Foodbank Network
How We Fight Hunger Together
Volunteers and community support are key to fighting hunger. Our main source of food is from the United Food Bank, and we also pick up over stocked food items from grocery stores. Did you know that TCAA has a Community Garden at the Escalante Center? This garden provides fresh fruits and vegetables for our pantry. Food drives, organized by both companies and individuals, also help keep our pantry full.
TCAA runs the largest food pantry in Tempe, serving more than 30,000 people each year. Families can visit our pantry to get the food they need. We also deliver food boxes to homebound seniors, schools in Tempe, the ASU Pitchfork Pantry, and the city’s emergency hotel shelter.
For over 20 years, TCAA has provided Meals on Wheels. Last year, we delivered over 44,000 meals to 331 people in Tempe and South Scottsdale. This program is a lifeline for people who can't leave their homes, providing them with nutritious meals and friendly visits.
TCAA also has a lunchtime program that gives seniors and adults with disabilities a nutritious meal and a chance to socialize. Last year, we served almost 10,000 meals in Tempe and South Scottsdale.
TCAA, along with community and faith partners, offers emergency shelter for people who are homeless. Every night, they receive a meal prepared and served by our amazing volunteers.
Take Action!
Volunteers are the heart of TCAA’s programs, providing crucial support. If you're looking for a meaningful volunteer experience, sign up for a volunteer orientation to learn more!
Help fill our pantry! Click here for food needs and drop off times and location!
If you have the capacity to give, consider a small monthly gift so we can fight hunger all year long! Operation Grassroots (tempeaction.org)