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Provide and Serve a Meal to Our I-HELP Shelter

I-HELP Shelter Meals

Every night, TCAA’s I-HELP shelter program provides warm, home-cooked meals to the individuals sheltered by the program, thanks to the kindness of community volunteers.

Meal Providers are compassionate groups of family, friends, or coworkers who carefully plan, cook, and bring with them a delicious dinner, which they then serve to about 40 people in our program. After serving the meal, we encourage Meal Providers to sit down and enjoy it together with our staff and participants. This shared experience of serving and then enjoying a meal made with love is not just about nourishment; it’s about offering warmth and support as our guests work towards a brighter future.

Become a Meal Provider

If you're interested in providing and serving a meal for the 40 participants of the I-HELP shelter, you can view open dates and sign-up to provide a meal here. We ask that you arrive by 5 to have your meal ready to serve by 5:30. If you are no longer able to serve on a date you signed up for, please try to let us know a week or more in advance so that we have time to look for someone else to cover it. 

In addition to your meal, we ask that you bring disposable plates, utensils, napkins, and cups if you’re bringing a beverage. Note that water is provided to shelter participants by TCAA.

If you have any issues on the evening of your service, please contact our on-call shelter staff at (602) 525-2128.

When you arrive, please check in at the table near the entrance. Our shelter support will guide you on where to set up your meal and answer any questions you may have.


Sponsor a Meal

If you’re unable to provide and serve a meal in person, you can still make a big difference by sponsoring a meal for the 40 individuals receiving shelter from our I-HELP program. Your donation will help cover the cost of a professionally prepared, catered meal. In addition to individual sponsorships, we also enjoy partnering with local restaurants who generously donate meals as part of their support. Our recommended sponsorship amount is $400. However, donations of any size are welcome, and all contributions help nourish the bodies and spirits of our participants as they work toward a better future.