Resume / Career Q & A
The Financial Success Center [Tempe Community Action Agency] is pleased to announce our first meeting of 2021 to assist you whether you are looking for A job, looking for a BETTER job, or simply want to understand Career Development a bit more to assist you in your current employer. We have the honor of gaining the expertise of Brenda Cunningham to field and answer some of your questions to make the job search perhaps a bit easier. Brenda has been the CEO/Owner of PUSH Career Management for 13 years helping individuals to create strong biographies and other skills to accelerate overall career growth. Her team works with candidates that are hungry for more within their professional career and it seems that is what we are hearing from those of you that have shared conversation. Brenda has worked with and is now contracted with Arizona@WORK in addition and is committing some of her time to be a resources to YOU. So bring you questions/experiences to get answers your burning questions around your resume and other career needs.