Green Building Lecture Series
Join master gardener Joan Baron and guests at Clark Park Community Gardens to hear gardening stories, tips, and recipes. Share your growing victories and get your questions answered! Learn about what to plant this February/March 2021 to bring beauty and bounty for you and your friends.
We will cover edibles, fruit trees, organic soil amendments, how to know when to harvest, and the importance of saving/storing/trading seeds. We will also talk about what to plant to bring bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to your garden!
Have you dreamed about joining a community garden or supporting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)? We have information for you!
Gardening is radically fun, gets you outdoors to enjoy nature, and provides a rewarding opportunity to share with children.
Admission: The education series is sponsored by the Scottsdale Green Building Program. The lectures are free.
Contact: Anthony Floyd, green building program manager, city of Scottsdale,, 480-312-4202.
Scottsdale is seeking resident feedback - community survey closes Feb. 4.
An online survey is open to all city residents as part of Scottsdale's bi-annual effort to collect opinions and feedback from the community. The information is used by the city and City Council to prioritize initiatives, services and programs.
Participating is easy - visit this link on Polco, the city's online survey platform:
Once you have answered the questions, you will be asked to provide your email and zip code. This lets us be sure we are hearing from each person only once. Your response will remain confidential - no individual responses or data will be shared with the city. All responses are reported in group form only.
Participating in this online survey will also allow residents to opt-in to future feedback opportunities from the city of Scottsdale, which plans to ask for input about other topics, ideas, initiatives and issues in the future.